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    Pre-School Special Education

    New York State Education Laws state that parents or guardians of children 3-5 years of age suspected of having a disability or a developmental delay may contact their school district's Committee on Preschool Special Education to be considered for Special Educational Programming.

    School Districts are responsible for assuring the provision of Special Education to eligible three and four year olds or until they are eligible for public school.  To qualify for Special Education, an evaluation by a state approved preschool program is obtained and reviewed by the school district's Committee on Preschool Special education.  If a child qualifies, the Committee then writes an Individualized Education Program utilizing a continuum of services ranging from related services (Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, or Physical Therapy), general education classroom support, or a center-based classroom. Related services are to be provided at the child's home or day care center, wherever the child would normally be found.  Each child is deemed a "Preschool student with a disability" for purposes of eligibility for preschool programming.  Recommendations, without the child's name, are presented to the school district's Board of Education for review.


    If your child is between the ages of 3-5 and you suspect that he/she may have a disability or developmental delay, please contact Scio Central School's Student Services Department at 585-593-5510 Ext. 1140. 
    We can also assist families with the referral process for children between the ages of birth and 2, if he/she is suspected of having a disability or developmental delay.