• The Perfect Career

    It can often be difficult to think about what job you want to do for the rest of your life. 

    Although, it can be EXCITING when you find the right career path that you know you will be passionate about.

    DO NOT WAIT -- Take the time to explore careers & college majors prior to senior year!

    Below you will find information on the 16 career clusters (found on careerclusters.org) as well as information

    regarding places online to take career aptitude tests.  The aptittude tests can help those of you who are uncertain

    as to what job fits your personal strengths best.

    16 Career Clusters:

    Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources;
    Architecture & Construction;
    Arts, A/V Technology & Communications;
    Business, Managment, & Administration;
    Education & Training;
    Government & Public Administration;
    Health Science;
    Hospitality & Tourism;
    Human Services;
    Information Technology;
    Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security;
    Marketing, Sales & Service;
    Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics;
    Transportation, Distribution & Logistics